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Monday, December 1, 2008

membuat Program Animasi Bulan dan Bintang

Sekarang kita akan membuat sebuah Form dengan Bulan yang berjalan dan bintang berkelip sebagai latar belakang, seperti contoh hasil program Gbr. 3.1 dikanan.

Untuk prakteknya, langkahnya sebagai berikut…!

1. Pada Form1 yang sudah ada di <Proyek Grafis> anda, Pasanglah objek Picture, dan dua buah Timer seperti rancangan Gbr. 3.2 dikanan.

2. Kemudian…, aturlah propertinya dengan mengikuti properti pada Tbl.3.1 dibawah ini ; klik pada gambar untuk pembesaran image...!!

3. Setelah selesai mengatur properti diatas, Ketik kode-kode program dihalaman belakang berikut ini ;

a. General Prosedur Declarations

Dim x(100), y(100), z(100) As Integer

Dim tmpx(100), tmpy(100), tmpz(100) As Integer

Dim k As Integer

Dim zoom As Integer

Dim kecepatan As Integer

b. Objek Timer2 Prosedur Timer

Private Sub Timer2_Timer( )

If Picture1.Left > 5 Then

Picture1.Move Picture1.Left-100, Picture1.Top-10

End If

End Sub

c. Objek Form Prosedur Activate

Private Sub Form_Activate( )

BackColor = &H0&

kecepatan = -1

k = 2038

zoom = 256

Timer1.Interval = 1

For i = 0 To 100

x(i) = Int(Rnd * 1024) - 512

y(i) = Int(Rnd * 1024) - 512

z(i) = Int(Rnd * 512) - 256

Next i

End Sub

d. Objek Timer1 Prosedur Timer

Private Sub Timer1_Timer( )

For i = 0 To 100

Circle (tmpx(i), tmpy(i)), 5, BackColor

z(i) = z(i) + kecepatan

If z(i) > 255 Then z(i) = -255

If z(i) < -255 Then z(i) = 255

tmpz(i) = z(i) + zoom

tmpx(i) = (x(i) * k / tmpz(i)) + (Form1.Width / 2)

tmpy(i) = (y(i) * k / tmpz(i)) + (Form1.Height / 2)

radius = 1

bintang = 256 - z(i)

Circle (tmpx(i), tmpy(i)), 5, RGB(bintang, bintang, bintang)

Next i

End Sub

Personal Computer

A personal computer (PC) is any computer whose original sales price, size, and capabilities make it useful for individuals, and which is intended to be operated directly by an end user, with no intervening computer operator.

Today a PC may be a desktop, a laptop computer or a tablet computer. The most common operating system are microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, while the most common microprocessors are x-86 -compatible CPUs, ARM architecture CPUs and Power PC CPUs. Software applications for personal computers include word Processing, spreadsheets, databases, games, and a myriad of personal productivity and special-purpose software. Modern personal computers often have high-speed or dial-up connections to the Internet, allowing access to the Word Wide Web and a wide range of other resources.

A PC may be a home computer, or may be found in an office, often connected to a local area network. The distinguishing characteristics are that the computer is primarily used, interactively, by one person at a time. This is in contrast to the batch processing or time-sharing models which allowed large expensive systems to be used by many people, usually at the same time, or large data processing systems which required a full-time staff to operate efficiently.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Computer Generation

The the late 1960s and early 70s, there was much talk about "generations" of computer technology. This photo illustrates what were commonly known as the three generations:

  1. First generation: Vacuum tubes (left). Mid 1940s. IBM pioneered the arrangment of vacuum tubes in pluggable modules such as the one shown here on the left. The IBM 650 was a first-generation computer.

  2. Second generation: Transistors (right). 1956. The era of miniaturization begins. Transistors are much smaller than vacuum tubes, draw less power, and generate less heat. Discrete transistors are soldered to circuit boards like the one shown, with intereconnections accomplished by stencil-screened conductive patterns on the reverse side. The IBM 7090 was a second-generation computer.

  3. Third generation: Integrated circuits (foreground), silicon chips contain multiple transistors. 1964. A pioneering example is the ACPX module used in the IBM 360/91, which, by stacking layers of silicon over a ceramic substrate, accommodated over 20 transistors per chip; the chips could be packed together onto a circuit board to achieve unheard-of logic densities. The IBM 360/91 was a hybrid second- and third-generation computer.

Omitted from this taxonomy is the "zeroth" generation computer based on metal gears (such as the IBM 407) or mechanical relays (such as the Mark I), and the post-3rd generation computers based on Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits.

The History of Computers

history of computers
"Who invented the computer?" is not a question with a simple answer. The real answer is that many inventors contributed to the history of computers and that a computer is a complex piece of machinery made up of many parts, each of which can be considered a separate invention.

This series covers many of the major milestones in computer history (but not all of them) with a concentration on the history of personal home computers.